
An E-book for You!

Jan 31, 2024

God created you with a deep yearning to be fully known and fully loved. Is the love you have for others—and the love others have for you—all that God designed it to be? Or is there a greater depth of love that you haven’t experienced yet? Are you missing out? 

Your friend Bob Lepine has written a book called Love Like You Mean It, the heart of a marriage that honors God. It’s a book for married couples, for those who want to be married someday, and for everyone who simply wants a greater realization of God’s love in their own life.  

God’s love is a pathway to joy—the real thing. It’s a love that involves deep, soul-level commitment. It’s time to love like you mean it—and at Family Radio we’re helping you get there. 

For the month of February, we’re giving away a limited number of copies of the e-book, Love Like You Mean It. All you need to do is submit your name and email address below, and we’ll send you an email with easy, detailed instructions.

This giveaway is closed now. Please be sure to sign up for emails from Family Radio and be one of the first to know about future giveaways and promotions!

73 responses to “An E-book for You!

    1. keeps me committing I heard the word of God every day Family Radio has been a great help for me and my spiritual life, including my health. Thank you so much for sharing the word of God Jesus name. Thank you.

  1. Alistair Begg does not embrace homosexuality. He wholeheartedly agrees it is evil, it is sin. But the idea of shunning an opportunity to show love for a family member in sin while not embracing the validity of the evil ceremony is not always best. Actually, I think Allistair’s council is exactly what Jesus would do. Jesus associated with alcoholics, tax collectors, and other sinners because they were the ones who needed Him. This is a difficult decision many Christian families are having to deal with and cutting the homosexual off doesn’t solve the problem. I’m hearing a lot of people put words into Allistair’s mouth that is most unfortunate.

    1. Thank you John, you’re exactly right!
      I learned of the controversy a few days ago. Initially i wasn’t sure what to think but the more I did, the more I believe Pastor Begg advised her wisely. I seriously doubt he said, “This is what you SHOULD do”, but rather what she MIGHT do, & leave it up to her since she knows her family situation & dynamics far more than Begg. He has not sinned with his counsel.

      A proper application of 1Cor.5:9-13 should make clear that we don’t need to isolate from non-believers who are in sin. Our Lord Jesus certainly didn’t shun worldly sinners! I encourage others to prayerfully study this and a number of other relevant Scriptural texts.

      There is so much more I could add to this. But I am very concerned w/ the legalists slandering Pastor Begg & putting words in his mouth. They have no idea everything he said to the grandmother. They’re causing division in the church & doing the Enemy’s work for him! They’re the ones who should be rebuked & then admonished to ask for Alistair’s forgiveness! Or taken before their own elders & dealt with for their own sin.
      God bless you brother.

      1. A wedding ceremony is God’s sacred institution of marriage between a man and a woman. Attending a wedding means you are agreeing with and supporting the couple that are taking their vows before God. When the officiating pastor asks during the ceremony if anyone objects, what would you do as a born again Christian? Keeping silent means you are in agreement with this matrimony.
        I believe that a born again Christian would have to decline to attend a gay marriage.
        We can certainly attend life celebrations for friends and family that do not violate God’s ordained institution of marriage like birthday parties, graduations, and other life milestones. Any decline of a wedding invitation can be done in love, and speak the truth in love explaining that it would violate your faith in your God. It does not have to be unloving or ostracizing. Jesus was all loving and yet He was rejected because He spoke the truth which the people didnt want to hear because they loved the darkness more than the Light.

      2. Regarding comments on homosexuality, all Christians must consider that this matter may pertain to their children or grandchildren now or in the future and how they would react and respond if this person is a family member. This is an area that will continue to the end of time as it is in the generations and genetic line of all from perpetuity seen in Biblical times.

  2. Family Radio provides an outreach of fellowship and Christian teaching and programming for my heart ❤️
    and my soul 💙. Through.Family Radio I am receiving a source of nourishment that brings sustained growth and well-being which feeds my mind, my faith and my soul.
    Where can you go to enjoy the very best Soul food and Christian ✝️ fellowship in all of the land? Proceed to your local Family Radio Diner opened 24-7-365 days a year. They nevet close.

  3. Family Radio keeps me focused. I’m so very grateful Family Radio exists. God has truly used this to bring me back and keep me. Thank you!!

  4. Family radio is my go to, every morning and evening that is my favorite station to listen to, it helps me to get my day started right, thank you.

  5. Every moment listening to Family Radio my heart is restored. Bob Lepine in the morning is how I start my day, every day.

  6. Hello, people of God
    I listen very often,even very very often, to Family Radio. It’s such a relief to have FR during on the way to work and during the day. It gives relief to face all the difficulty that can append during the day.
    Thank you for your consecration

  7. Family Radio connects me to the family of God & I am instantly worshiping my Savior with them. My soul becomes lifted up in gratitude whatever my lot. Thank you for serving the Truth to this hungry world.

  8. I Thank God For this Family Radio Station. It’s a Great Blessing, Comfort, and Strength to me and step mom. God’s Blessings to You All. Thank You All🙏❤️

  9. Family Radio is the best radio to listen for edification day by day. I listen it more in car every day. I share I family radio app with many ones.

  10. I have been listening to Family Radio for over 50 years now; ever since I came to this country from Jamaica. It was through FR that I learned to believe in Jesus. That he was not some blond, blue-eyed man trying to con the black people like other whites. I now believe in Him as I believe in my Jehovah God. I am thankful He came for sinners; black, white and in between. I am thankful He taught me to love all peoples. God bless you FR🙏🏽🤶

  11. We have been listening to Family Radio since 1977.
    It has been a complete blessing in our lives. It keeps us grounded in living for Christ and reminds us that we are only passing through and we are to glory Our Father in heaven in all that we say and do. Only by God’s grace are we able to accomplish that. The staff and teachers on Family Radio are such a blessing and encouragement. We are in the world but should not be of the world and that’s where Family Radio is a great reminder. PRAISE GOD FOR HIS LOVE AND MERCY.
    Thank you Family Radio for your faithfulness. You are truly a blessing to millions of people in this sad and lost world. God is surly using your outreach. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  12. I praise God for your station, I have been listing to your radio station and has enriched my walk wit the the Lord.
    May God continue to bless you as you proclaim His word so boldly for His glory.

  13. I have trouble memorizing scripture so these hymns actually help me internalize scripture. Thanks for the awesome songs.

  14. Ii am so blessed that I found Family Radio!
    Every moment I listen Family Radio I received the Voice of God

  15. I PTL for FR! I used to listen to this station (WFME) several years ago. I enjoyed Bob Cook’s greeting ,
    “ how in the world are you?” I live near King’s College where he once taught, so felt like I knew him somewhat. 🙂 Station frequencies changed & sometimes it was difficult hearing the station/broadcast . One day I accidentally came across the new station 106.3 in Mt. Kisco, NY & I’ve been listening ever since. I was saddened when Randy Z. passed because I enjoyed hearing him. However, I rejoiced w/you believing he’s resting in the arms of Jesus. I would like to hear Pastor Tony Evans added on your station sometime. I am blessed & enjoy all of your programs & the music. I usually leave one of my radios on all day or most of the day. When I can, I’m grateful to financially support this ministry.

  16. I got saved thru the ministry of Family Radio and am very grateful God used Harold Camping to bring his word over the airways. I still struggle with the entire May 21 situation. But I do know God is in control and I am patiently waiting for the Lords return. I am grateful for Pastor Begg and others I hear on Family Radio. Thank you Bob Lepine for your ministry also.

  17. Family Radio is Family-friendly 24/7
    Family Radio is inclusive for all who wish to be part of God’s Family — both here on Earth and in Heaven
    Family Radio will keep your family relationships and priorities in proper perspective, to grow in joy together
    Family Radio is making us ready to receive our King, and Savior as He returns to rule & reign upon the earth!
    Family Radio’s wonderful music enables us to do as the Psalmist concludes: “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. (Psalm 150).
    (and let us praise the pencil or timbrel?) in HIS Hand — as Mother Teresa might say) — namely Family Radio!! ~ Thank You all so much ~ !!

  18. Family Radio gives me comfort and peace. Pastor MacArthur is a true man of God. I enjoy his sermons and get a lot out of them. I absolutely love the old hymns and Bible quizzes in the morning. May God continue to bless all the staff that keeps Family radio going. What the world needs now is love sweet love and more family radio!

  19. My wife went home July 1 st 2018, July 2nd was our
    Anniversary of 49 years . I miss her so much but I know she is in a much better place. I will be with her after my task is completed . We both have been following FR for years.

  20. I listen to FR in the morning on my to work while driving.
    It is a very great source of encouragement for me. I enjoy the Bible quizzes.

  21. Bob Lepine, I would love to hear you do an audio version of your book. You have a great voice. Only the author can truly put the emphasis on a work such as this.

  22. We have been listening to family radio for as long as they’ve been broadcasting in our area.💗🥰❤️‍🩹

  23. Family Radio gives us all a moment with God…anywhere, anytime….which is what we all need…
    Not only for ourselves, but for others as well…

  24. I love ❤️ Family Radio. It’s all I listen to. My radio is on all day long. Thank you for all you do to help us fulfill the great commission !

  25. We Thank Our Great God for ” Family Radio &”All”,(Everyone) who ,is responsible for getting this Minist , that Fills our Hopes, needs,prayers and, even our Daily Lives Here On Earth! JESUS CHRIST, GOD Himself!! Found, WFSI- Annapolis, Md. Dec.22,1974–FM (at that time,FM),”For Me”! On that Night, Experiencing “The Born Again New Life In Christ Jesus! MY New Life Began! and Family Radio Has been a Part of it!! Yes, I celebrated My “secoond” 40th Birthday 12 June!! ( Sounds better than 80!! All prayers that I can keep giving to Carry this,(Very Much Needed Ministry Reaching out to OUR Troubled, needing World! Please feel free to Edit this Response ., to be “Edifying!!?? Thank You !

  26. Family Radio keeps me company wherever I am thanks to the app. I listen in my car, at home, out on the hiking trail…it helps me feel connected to God. Shout out to Bob Lepine…enjoying God more this year by joining my church choir! Thanks for the encouragement!! The teachings have strengthened my relationship with my church & church family, are helping me to be a contributing member of the Body of Christ!

  27. I have been listening for a time it is a blessing
    I go to bed with up with it on with it on my phone and wake

  28. I don’t know of a better Christian radio station than Family Radio. There are others, and I’ve checked them out, but Family Radio cannot be topped! I have been listening since Family Radio bought the station in Camden, NJ, which is probably about 64 years ago. (I am 82.) I know all the songs and sing along! I love Bob Cook and Walk With the King (he’s in heaven now!). I remember when the morning person would have two 5-question Bible quizzes every morning at 7:30 and 8:30, and the B-I-B-L-E song would play to que us to get ready. And Harold Camping had a several hour call-in show in the evening taking people’s questions where I learned so much, even though I had gone to Bible college! Now I listen to Alistair Begg, R.C. Sproul, and all the great messages at the noon hour and later in the day. What a great station! Thank you for drawing others to the Lord and His salvation! (And I am very glad that the “backing up problem” on the recordings is fixed. I can now continue to refer others to the station as it sounds professional once again. Thank You, Lord! And thank you, Family Radio!)

  29. I’m thankful to have this app that I can listen to a Christian station like Family Radio. I am so glad and blessed. By listening everyday on this sation makes me more inspiring and continue rooted in the word of God. Thank you Family Radio. I will make my day complete by listening encouragement gospel music, testimonies, and word of encouragements or preaching. Im widow and I have 2 talented girls. And I’m encouraging them to have have this radio app. My prayer is that God will bless more this Family Radio to reach more people to get blessed and rooted by the word of God proclaiming.

  30. I absolutely love FR. It has lifted my spirits when I am down. It blesses me with the beautiful hymns and praise and worship music. The radio station carrying FR stopped about 3 yrs ago but I was able to get you on my computer so I play the music all day. Thank you for the blessing that you are to sooooo many, God Bless you all. Peace joy and love from above!

  31. Family Radio has helped me prioritize God and others with stories that encourage as well as scripture reading and beautiful hymns and music that I listen to in the car and at home throughout the day. Thank you Family Radio for all that you do to strengthen me and the body of Christ.

  32. I can’t imagine my life without my Savior Jesus Christ. I prayed for music that glorifies Him and what I remember my grandparents singing when I was little, and God heard my prayer. He knew my heart and that I wanted away from the new Christian music. Praise the Lord that He saved me from the pit of hell. I was an addict and tried even to take my own life. I’d be nothing without the Lord God Almighty!!!!!

  33. I 💕 Family Radio. I believe that I appreciated all of programs: Podcasts, music, prayers, encouraging words from everyone there.💞🙏👏👍🎂🍾May the good Lord Jesus Christ, in His sovereignty, always remember all of your goodnesses to others, especially @ this time, after the pandemic. Which had been so hard and harsh 😭 on everyone. There isn’t enough word to thank you for all that you contribute to our soul, 24/7, 365 days 🥰a year. 🌻 Blessings upon Blessings to you All.

  34. To God be the glory. WFME has been a constant in the Elcock’s home for a very long time beginning in the 1950’s in Brooklyn and then the 1960’s now in Bergen County. Blessings to you all!

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