Walk With The King

For over 50 years, Dr. Bob Cook has been putting a handle on the Word of God so you can get a hold of it for yourself.

34 responses to “Walk With The King

  1. Hello there,
    I think it would be great if you guys broadcast “Walk with the King” 7 days a week instead of on weekdays.
    Who doesn’t love to listen to Dr. Bob Cook?

    1. That’s why the podcast is available here and on the app! So you can listen to “Walk With the King” whenever you want! 🙂

    2. I totally agree! I have loved to listen to Dr Cook since Aug. 1974 when I first found out about him. There is so much love and peace in his voice…for the Lord and for each listener. No other preacher has ever blessed me as much as Dr Cook does.

  2. Dr. Bob Cook is new to me and family radio is new to me as well. I love to listen to Dr. Cook as he expresses his love towards the listeners and our Lord. He teaches the word of God with a firm, gentle way. He draws you into hearing the truth and encourages you to “walk with the King,”

  3. I LOVE BOB COOK………I could listen to him EVERY DAY…….He is so delightfully joyful and gives such a GREAT MESSAGE……….

    Another person is ADRIAN Rogers…….Very Worthy…..

    We certainly need more of these two Ministers….

  4. I’ve always found Dr. Cook to be the consummate gentleman and good Midwestern Christian teacher who came East to run a Christian college and offer his Dale Carnegie style ministry.

  5. It is always a blessing to listen to Dr. Cook’s sermons. It never fails that his talks will focus on a particular topic which would be spiritually beneficial for that day. May God continue to richly bless Family Radio for presenting the “Walk With The King” broadcasts.

  6. It’s always a good day if I start my day with Jesus and listen and obey the advice of Dr. Cook. What a down to earth teacher with Saintly thoughts. To think that God is using him still blesses me.

  7. I just found this. I remember your voice. I so miss family radio. My website is a business, not sure if I should post it here.


  8. I accidentally stumbled upon Family Radio back in 2013. At that time, I was switching from another famous Christian radio station to this. Family Radio still didn’t have the line up they have now. But in the initial months three different programs anchored me to this station – beautiful, worshipful, uplifting Christian music and hymns, Dr. Bob Cook and the radio reading circle. I so miss radio reading circle. I wish they would bring it back. The present programming is wonderful, except that a few of the old melodies we would hear then are not played anymore but it is still good. No complaints. I absolutely love Dr. Cook’s insights, his personal stories, the super-duper teaching and his great sense of humor. Thank God for his life.

  9. The best start to my day is hearing Dr. Cook’s “Well hello Radio Friends! How in the world are you?” He is someone I wish I could have known. His messages are uplifting, educational, and interspersed with great stories and humor. He remains a blessing and I thank Family Radio for continuing his Walk with the King legacy.

  10. Bob Cook has been a delight and uplifting person in my life. God never fails to speak to me during Walk with the King podcasts. Thanks for sharing Bob Cook to those of us who never had the honor to meet him. It is my prayer to meet him in heaven. I’d love to give him a hug for sharing Jesus on his radio podcast.

  11. This has an answer to prayers, I have PTSD from 12 yrs off military service, my wife divorced me because of it. That was a tremendous amount of pain after 23yrs of marriage. Then last summer my oldest son 27yrs old took his own life.. My heart feels as if was torn out and of me torn into two. It hurts so bad, plz if get a chance to pray for me, I would appreciate it more than you could ever know .God bless each and everyone of you who read this.

    1. Don, so sorry to hear about all your trials. We will be praying for you! You can also submit your prayer request to the prayer team here https://www.familyradio.org/prayer-requests/ that way more listener can be praying for you.
      “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

    2. A Prayer for When Life Doesn’t Make Sense

      Dear all-knowing, all-loving Father,

      I am facing one of the hardest battles of my faith. You don’t make sense to me right now, Father. I don’t understand why things happen that you could prevent. My mind and my heart cry out for reasons and answers, yet I know that may not be for me to know right now. Everyone around me thinks I am crazy to remain faithful to you, but I know that it is my only choice. Either you are God in control of the universe or you are not God at all. I believe that you love me and want what is best for me, even when it doesn’t feel that way. Give me strength and grace to fight this battle. Help me to focus on you, remember your love, and take the next step.

      In your almighty name,


      1. Dr. Cook helped me take my baby steps in learning what it is to be a believer and helped me learn how to put my armor on. . I took many tumbles in those days and blows to my pride. I thought people, especially close friends and family would receive the gospel I shared with them, but no….it was the opposite. It was painful to endure the rejection of non-Christian friends and family., . But what a JOY to find and seek comfort in Jesus and seek and find again and again… deep comfort and peace in Jesus. that no words can describe. Especially when with tears on the pillow I prayed and found that closeness and love of God was palpable and so real. Perhaps it was the strengthening by angels…! receiving a touch from the Lord Himself. Can one ever thank the Lord enough! ….

  12. Listener since 2000. Always loved hearing Dr. Cook during lunch! I cannot find the download of his sermon for this month.


    Your Lister in CHRIST


  14. Yo … listening to him I really get inspired hes a dude that could have lived in any.other time period

  15. I have listened and loved Dr. Cook since Sept 1977. i started college then. He helped me grow in the Lord. I have been a pastor for 4 years.

  16. I always listened to Dr. Cook on my way to work in the morning. What a blessing to hear his kind and compassionate voice each morning. His messages always seemed to be geared towards me and truly blessed me each and every day. So thankful for his ministry.

  17. I have found that i brought many people too the word. It was easy using Bob Cook.Thank you for broadcasting this great speaker.Being a truck driver it’s a great way to start the day. And don’t forget to Walk with the King and be a Blessing.

  18. Please provide link to Dr. Cook’s program in which he cited Bible verses we can use to witness to people

  19. Wow….I remember listening to his broadcasts as a teen back in the 70s! Great his ministry is still available here.God Bless all!

  20. God led me to Family Radio almost 20 years ago. I was looking for a Godly music station while spending long hours on the road for my job. And what a joy to find Dr. Cook’s program! Now that I have a desk job, I listen every morning before I leave my house. It’s my devotional time and it sure helps start my day off on the right foot! Thank you Family Radio and thank you to the family of Dr. Cook for preserving his timeless messages.

  21. Doctor Cook has make a big impact in my life
    When I needed it the most
    It’s like he’s answered every prayer I made to God
    20 years now every time I have a free time I still look for him

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