
You Can Now Watch Family Bible Reading Fellowship!

Jun 22, 2022


Our classic radio program, Family Bible Reading Fellowship, is now on Family Radio’s YouTube channel!

Hear stories from the Bible read to you over beautiful scenes of God’s creation. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the bell to get notified each time a new story is available. 

8 responses to “You Can Now Watch Family Bible Reading Fellowship!

  1. I have listened to FBRF since the mid 80s. Not consistently, but very very often.. I listen and follow along with my Bible. It helps me focus and concentrate, and remember The Word. Thank you, thank you.

  2. Please bring back all of these Bible audio files featuring Hendrick Van Dyke in HIGH QUALITY audio, uncut! Please release them as the full programs with intro and outro music intact. What’s presently available is compressed audio. It is good to hear the high quality audio on the Youtube clips, but it’s not enough!

  3. It couldn’t be said any better as did Anthony Rotolo above

    “Please bring back all of these Bible audio files featuring Hendrick Van Dyke in HIGH QUALITY audio, uncut! Please release them as the full programs with intro and outro music intact. What’s presently available is compressed audio. It is good to hear the high quality audio on the Youtube clips, but it’s not enough!”

  4. Dear Family Radio, Thank you for asking for my feedback. Praise G-d Jehovah and his son Yeshua HaMashiach. I was excited to see the new YouTube channel and listen to the Bible stories. These are great clips. I think especially for those new to the Bible, a great learning tool. But for me, I really miss the broadcasted continuous reading of the Bible by Hendrick van Dyke. That was pure joy to hear the word of our L-rd Jehovah for hours uninterrupted. Sometimes I listened all day. I liked the idea that I was listening and others were also listening to the same bible portion. Such a comfort to tune in knowing the Bible was being read continuously broadcasted around the world. I am not sure why Family Radio ended this continuous broadcast. Was it too expensive?

    I would even like what The previous posts suggested uninterrupted books of the Bible., hard to listen to one chapter clips at a time, as it is set up now. Family Radio is my station for the last 35 years, and once the uninterrupted 24/7 bible reading ended, it was very disappointing.
    I still listen to the Bible reading during the day and tune in when I am in the car. If possible Please bring back the continuous bible broadcast, or post uninterrupted books of the Bible on this new YouTube channel. These seem like it was made for the internet times we live in now. 🙂

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