Family Radio Host
A Message from Tom Evans
It is with deep sadness and bewilderment that we must share that our friend and afternoon host, Randy Zachary, has gone home to be with the Lord. We have mixed emotions as we mourn the loss of our brother but celebrate his life—a life devoted to loving others and loving our Lord Jesus Christ.
We know that Randy is with our Lord right now, beholding indescribable beauty and unbridled joy in the presence of the God who loves him—the Savior who formed him, and gave Himself for him.
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” – Psalm 116:115
Please pray for Randy’s dear wife Monica, his loving children, and his precious grandchildren. Monica broke the news to the world, writing:
“It’s with a sad and broken heart that I share that Randy has been promoted to heaven. The kids and I will miss him terribly. His sense of humor was like no other and he and our boys would have us all in stitches. His heart for the hurting was so gentle and caring. He loved radio! You could hear it through the microphone every time he opened it up or on his spots he created or any guests that came on. We will miss our him, our leader for our tribe. Love you Randy!!!”
Pray for the Lord’s peace and comfort as Monica and the Zachary family continue the race the Lord has set before them without their dear father and husband at their side. Randy may no longer be with them in their temporal race, for he finished his course and has been carried in the arms of God’s servants into that glorious presence at the feet of his Redeemer.
And pray for those of us still racing at Family Radio. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). And we shall not cease either. As long we are present, we will continue the mission Randy so deeply believed in—sharing the Good News to the world—the news that Jesus Christ came to save sinners like you and me.
Until we meet Randy again, we eagerly await the day when Christ “will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).
Come Lord Jesus, come. To Christ be the glory!
-Tom Evans
No words. His was the positive beautiful spirit and voice I listened to on the afternoons. Oh, Lord, hear our prayer for all who loved him, even those of us who never met.
This is such sad news— what an amazing, inspirational, uplifting, gifted man of God he was!!
I loved listening to his morning program— his stories— just his godly manner.
He certainly will be missed!
I pray that the Lord Himself comforts and carries his precious wife and children, grandchildren— filling them with His perfect shalom peace.
My heart is sad along with yours. 😔🙏🏼🙏🏼
. . . so sorry and surprised to hear of his passing. I’m a relatively new listener to Family Radio, and I esp enjoyed his broadcast. May Christ The King and all His saints rejoice at his homecoming. And, condolences to Randy’s family and friends.
Randy Zachary is my favorite radio host.❤️God bless Monica, children, and grandchildren. I will miss Randy talking in my car. Praise Jesus that he went home to be with Jesus. Randy was such a wonderful person although I never met him in person.
It is very sad news about the passing of Randy. Last week when my husband and I were doing errands, Randy was on Family Radio. I commented to my husband that I “really enjoyed listening to Randy”.
Our deepest condolences to Randy’s wife, children and grandchildren. Praying for all of them for the comfort of our Lord, Jesus.
We are blessed to have had Randy on Family Radio. Praying for you at Family Radio as well.
I am so saddened to hear of Randy Z passimg and that I wont hear his voice on the radio anymore. I was daily looking forward to hearing stories that he was sharing because almost all of them touched me to the core and I would tear up listening to the life lessons. Thank you Jesus, for Randy’s life, his impact on the listeners and the opportunity for him to make an impact for your kingdom.
Our father whom art in heaven hollowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven giveustoday our daily bread forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those whom trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thy is the kingdom power and glory forever amen…. Also thanks beforehand for his friendship as a host as the Lord needs no form just the knowing he blessed us. Praise&God bless,aman.
My heartfelt sorrow.
My Randy rest in the presence of our Lord.
With Sympathy and Prayers,
Cliftine Jones
I’m so saddened over the sudden loss of Randy-He was truly God’s vessel of the Good News -to us – you could sense his deep faith and devotion to Jesus -I pray for God to strengthen & comfort his precious family …will miss his gentle voice of encouragement –
Randy Zachary will be missed by Monica, his wife, children, grandchildren, and all of us tho Body of Jesus Christ. This is a sad day for us all in this world but we know that it’s is a glorious eternal day in the presence of the Lord:.
May we be comforted by the thoughts that “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints “ Psalm 115:16.
My heart is saddened and the tears flow because I know that even though we celebrate his home-going, we grieve of his passing. May God bless his wife and family as they live on without his physical presence. To God be the glory!
Loved Randy! He had just a warm, friendly and young voice. Unless there’s another Randy, I was surprised to see in his photo that he looks my age. ( a senior citizen)
Praise God! It’s a bittersweet moment indeed but, great rejoicing is in order. He finished his service on earth. Fought the good fight. Finished the good race strong and has walked from this life into eternity. How blessed he must be t this moment. Our Lord Jesus has already welcomed him to His bosom. I will miss hearing him on the radio. It was just like yesterday that I heard his cheerful voice. May God bless his loved ones with peace, comfort, love and serenity and all that they need to get through this period of mourning and missing him.
Thank You LORD for the gift that Randy was to us all! We loved his “Encouragemints” as well as the Hymns & Spiritual songs of worship with which he encouraged & lifted us up, Your church, daily into Your presence in praise, worship & adoration of Your Holy Name! We will miss our dear brother. May his legacy to us endure in our hearts until we all, in Your eternal presence, wherein is no more sin, sorrow, sadness nor tears but everlasting praise, worship, exultation & adoration unto the Lamb who was slain for us from before the foundation of the world, forevermore!
So sorry. Will be missed a wonderful man of God.
Dearest Monica and family, and all our FR family we are all grieving for Randy. He was a precious child of God . i loved hearing his beautiful Encourage Mints, his thoughtful prayer for us and his kind spirit filled voice .Randy was special and he is going to be missed dearly..
So sorry to hear this news. I was moved when I heard him mentioning yesterday that he was a child in foster care and how he felt loved.
Now he is in his forever home. Thank you, Jesus!
We will missed his voice but he is now in the presence of our God and he will rejoice and be happy forever more. God be with all the family and God give them peace, one day we all see him again.,!!!! Glory to our Savior
Efonseca paterson NJ
I loved Randy’s voice on Family Radio. He sounded a lot younger on the radio than his age. He had a down to earth, real friend to friend kind of conversation with all of who listened.
He will be truly be missed in all our listeners hearts and by his loved ones. I’m thankful that we know he is seeing his redeemer face to face with no more earthly struggles.
Praying for his family and for FR.
Thanks Randy for all the times you reserved a seat for us at the weekend hymn sing.
Bernie, Milwaukee, Wi
Randy was God’s gift of Joy everyday and certainly
Brightened my afternoons He will be deeply missed.
Joyfully he is now in the presence of our Lord.
Our condolences to his family. He will be missed. I loved his beautiful encouragement. Family Radio is a blessing. He will be hard to replaced like the others. (Omar& del?). You know that I am a long time listener.
Rest in the Lord.
So sorry to hear he has passed but he is with our Lord peace be it’s his wife children and grandchildren God bless
Praying for Randy’s family, and for the FR family. Loved hearing his voice on the radio. I rejoice, with other listeners, that Randy is home with our LORD!
My heart goes out to you all.
Randy, you gonna be missed by us, your listener and thank you for your time with us thru Family Radio. Pray for Monica and The Zackary, GOD will give all of you comfort.
Thank you,
We praise Jesus that we found family radio and the dear voice of Randy. We so enjoyed his afternoon program after I retired a year. ago His humbling stories were just such an encouragement, especially the one abut his dog. It just brought things into perspective. We will truly miss him, but look forward to hearing him again in the presence of the Lord.
Oh, my goodness . . . I LOVE Randy . . . He always had such a cheerful, uplifting voice. My radio is turned on to Family Radio every day all day, and I always looked forward to hearing his cheerful voice come on after the lunch hour. I loved when he sang “Jesus Loves Me” with his grandchildren. Unbelievable . . . my prayers go to God for his wife, children, and grandchildren as I sit here dissolved in tears. Well, he is now with the Lord he loved so much. Only we here on earth are suffering.
I’ve never met Randy, but I feel as those an old friend is gone. May God keep his family. He will be so missed by many.
I loved his tenderness
He would get emotional at times expressing his love and compassion.
I will too miss his gentle voice.
He was a guest in my house whenever he was on the radio.
Pat from New Berlin, WI
My condolences to the Zachary family and the Family Radio family. I believe that Jesus Himself met Randy at the “Pearly Gates” and said ” Well done my Good and Faithful Servant, now enter into your eternal rest!”
We will miss hearing your voice Bro Randy and those inspirational stories everyday, but I Thank God for the golden nuggets of wisdom left in our memories.
Rest on, my dear brother in Christ
We are devastated to hear of his sudden “transition”. We agree that he is in a better place. The why remains to be heard. At your leisure, please explain what brought this about because we earth bound people are very curious. Obviously, this is not the best time to bother Monica and family.
Every day we enjoyed his humbling commentary. We also enjoyed the light and happy interaction when Monica joined him. You two set the example of a successful marriage!
Randy, no doubt you are enjoying the change, see you some day, where you are with our Blessed Lord Jesus!
Sincerely, Bill & Lynda
My sincere condolences to The Zackary family and all of you at Family Radio. May our Loving LORD wrap His presence around ALL of you and give you His comfort and strength in this difficult time.
Thank You JESUS❤️❤️❤️
So sorry to hear this. Randy, thank you for being there for us all. You lifted us, inspiring us each day.
You will be so missed. Prayers for your family and your radio family. Blessed knowing you are with our Lord Jesus.
My heart is heavey, tears are flooding my eyes, not for Randy, but for his beautiful Family and co-workers. I know where Randy is, no sadness or tears in the presence of Jesus.
God bless you all. I will miss him.
Oh my goodness…I am in SHOCK and in tears. Randy became ‘part of our family’…he was in our home everyday at 1:00. He will be missed beyond comprehension. He was so relaxed on the radio, so real…so honest…so spiritual…so funny…so PERFECT to spread the Gospel in his own special way on Family Radio. He touched so many lives with his heartfelt spur of the moment prayers, his inspirational stories and just by ‘being him.” I am so thankful to have communicated with him quite often and interviewed by him on the radio and considered him a friend. My heart goes out to Monica and his family. I thank the Lord for blessing my life with Randy Zachary!
Loved his honesty sharing of his life. Especially Monica. He will be missed but praise the Lord for the time he spent teaching others to love the Lord. Peace be with you as we all mourn.
My prayers are with you Zachary family. I am so sorry to hear Randy is no longer here but joyful that he is with the Lord. God bless you Monica and your family.
So heartbroken to hear of Randy’s passing away. He surely will be dearly missed. Monica and family you all our in our thoughts and prayers. Loved to hear his voice and him praying for everyone. Loved his humble commentary on marriage and family. Him singing Jesus loves me with his grand kid was such a delight. Family Radio is a blessing. Rest in Peace Randy.
I was shocked to hear the news that Randy had passed. I was just listening to him yesterday. He always had a story with a positive message to raise our spirits. You will be missed, my brother.
My prayers go out to his wife,Monica and his children.
My heartfelt condolences to Randy’s family and friends. May God bless you and comfort you and strengthen you as you mourn his passing. Hearing his voice daily was a blessing to me from God. I will miss him.
I like so many others was shocked and saddened to hear of Randy’s passing.
I LOVED his stories..his love for the Lord and his family was beautiful
His storytelling was so touching.
May he rest in Jesus arms
May God be with Monica and his family and friends.🙏🙏🙏🙏
Randy’s compassionate encouraging spirit will be missed. May God take good care of this gentle soul. Until we meet again, Randy, may you rest in God’s tender care today, tomorrow, and always.
I’ve only been listening to Family Radio for a couple of years, but I knew when I turned the radio on in the afternoon, I would hear Randy’s voice. Though I never met him, he seemed like a sweet, gentle, tenderhearted man. I will look forward to seeing him in Heaven. I pray for God’s comfort and mercy for Monica and the family. I also pray for the Family Radio team, because I know you miss him very much.
“He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.” Ps. 147:3
My heart and Prayers go out to Randy’s family and co-workers. I will miss hearing his voice as it has been my daily routien listing to Randy on Family Radio.
Always enjoyed hearing Randy and his cheerful, encouraging voice in the afternoons. He will be missed greatly! May God give comfort and peace to his family and to the Family Radio network.
I will miss his encouraging voice. He was an inspiration.
So awful, so unexpected…I dont understand .
Was Randy ill?
Prayers for his soul and all the family
My heartfelt condolences to Randy’s family and friends. God’s love, comfort and promise will surround you. Just reading about him and his love and devotion to our Lord, he entered Glory with shouts of Well Done Good and Faithful Servant.
So sorry to hear the sad news of Randy’s passing. My heart goes out to his wife Monica, his children, family, friends and Family Radio fans worldwide he leaves behind. Thank you for your many years bringing hope and comfort to folks like me. May you be filled with joy as you are welcomed home!
Sorry for your loss ….in Christ we hope….God keep you in Him.
Guy and Louise Boisvert.
So sudden! We all love you, Brother Randy! Many prayers for your family! We will all see you in Glory in the future. Lord Bless✝️📖🛐👍❤️😊
Hi Our deepest Condolences but we celebrate Randy’s eternity!! Love and Prayers to all the Family.May the Holy Spirit comfort You! Joe and Pat Birbiglia NY
Estoy muy triste al escuchar esta noticia que nuestro hermano Randy paso a morar con nuestro Dios personalmente fue de mucha ayuda en mi vida espiritual cada día esperaba la una de la tarde para escuchar sus historias que me llenaban de mucho ánimo el hermano Randy se nos adelantó peleo la buena batalla de la fe y ahora está gozando en la Preciosa presencia de nuestro Salvador la familia Zachary y la familia de la radio están en mis oraciones Dios los bendiga
can we send something financially to his family? Randy was wonderful.
To my dear Randy, Everyday I would look forward to hearing you. I felt a true connection to you. It felt like I actually knew you. You brought me hope and encouragement. You really cared about us all. Your pureness and holiness shined through you. You were my angel. We all will miss your beautiful soul. I know God is taking care of you and your dear family.
What a positive soul and friendly voice. I will miss hearing his optimistic views. My prayers are with his family.
Mr. Zachary will be missed dearly. He was my drive home radio host after a long day at work. The songs he played and the thoughtful words encouraged me . May our Father strengthen his wife and family and all of you at Family Radio..
My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out for Randy’s wife Monica and for the rest of the family. As Monica so wonderfully expressed, “His heart for the hurting was so gentle and caring.” Randy was such an example to us all, and he will surely be missed in this life! Though sad, we rejoice that he is at home with Christ!
Tears falling in Colorado! How we loved Randy and the honest way he lived this Christian walk. Always encouraging us as he spoke about his journey. And the precious times that Monica shared the broadcast with him. I will always think of him at Christmas and the joy! Thank you Zachary family for sharing your husband and father with all of us. Praying for you knowing Jesus will wrap His loving arms around you as you grieve but not like those without hope!! Blessings
On earth unexpected death feels like a shock wave hit, but I would guess in heaven it is a joyous symphony of perfect notes when a beloved is taken up.
Randy had a voice of love and compassion. I will look for him in heaven and introduce myself when my time comes.
May Our Father bless Randy’s family with peace during this time.
I am so sorry to hear of Randy’s passing may God bring comfort to his family and Family Radio He was special as you all are. Helping people like myself. God Bless
Shocked and deeply saddened. What a warm and lovely personality–always encouraging us, his listeners, and making our days and lives better. I will really miss him!
I had just sent in some commentary to the station management telling them how great he was on-air.
I don’t understand the “bewilderment” comment. Sounds like something tragic and/or unexpected happened. I hope you feel free to let us know. We’re part of his family… I think some explanation, albeit brief, is in order to remove the mystery.
Thank you, Randy. Look forward to seeing you later…
Many prayers to his family and to all those hurting from his departure to Heaven. I will miss you , your stories and calm soothing demeanor.
Just learned of Randy’s “promotion to heaven.”
He and I were able to spend time together just yesterday via Family Radio, January 30. I was pruning fruit tress and listening to the music, stories, and prayers of my dear brother in Christ.
Randy was the real deal. I was always blessed and encouraged by his love for Jesus; and, his service in God’s Kingdom. I will miss hearing his voice and unique ways of presenting his love for the Lord. Praying for his wife and family. John
I am so saddened to hear this 🥹😭 he was such a comforting, positive voice and so genuine. His love for the Lord came through and it was always encouraging to hear him share his testimony.
I pray 🙏🏼 for the peace and comfort of the Lord for his family as they grieve his passing . He sounded so much younger than he looks !
When I heard that Randy has gotten a promotion to Heaven, I was shocked and couldn’t believe it! He was too young! I will miss hearing Randy’s voice very much!!! I loved hearing him talk – when he spoke, you can hear his heart speaking. He had a youthful voice with positive words to share; and he was very up-beat with his words of encouragement. When I listen to him speak, it’s like listening to a kind friend – in fact, I felt he was my friend. I’m looking forward to meeting him in Heaven! I’m praying for his family!
I will miss hearing the voice of Randy, a true man of God. God blessing on his wife Monica and their family!
Brother Randy, your voice was like that of an old friend. Thanks for all your encouragement over the years. Until we meet in Heaven…
What sad, sad news that Randy has passed! My heart and prayers go out to Monica, the children and precious grandchildren for the loss of dear Randy — a beloved husband, father and grandfather!
The loss of a LOVED one is a difficult road to traverse! I will be praying for strength and endurance for this dear Zachary family!♥️
Randy was such a gift to Family Radio and to all of us!!! He will be so MISSED❣️
Condolences to the Zachary family, and staff of Family Radio.
He was so inspiring to me.
We are so sorry to hear of this deep loss and the sorrow it brings to Randy’s loving family .Please know we will pray for them and ask God to give them comfort in the midst of tears .As they mourn
I’m confident our gracious Lord will provide friends to come alongside them . In Matthew 11:29 Jesus’s own words tell He gentle and lowly and He will provide rest for our souls . What a joy to know we have a Savior that can relate to our sorrows and provide just what we need .
Our love and sympathy in Christ .
Susie and Greg Born
So sorry to hear the passing of our dear brother Randy. Our sincere condolences and prayers to Monica his dear wife and family. May God on his mercy, will give you strength to press on till the end.
We are saddened to hear this news of Randy’s passing. We will miss his ministry. The Lord comfort the Family Radio Staff and his family. We love Family Radio.
I always liked to hear Randy’s voice. His voice filled with the desire to do good to others in Jesus name always encouraged me to think of God’s loving character. Whenever Randy was on the air, he made me think that God’s favor was not so far from me. May God fill with His peace and comfort the hearts of his wife, children, relatives, friends, and everyone who knew him or heard him on the radio. I will miss Randy’s heart I heard through his voice on Family Radio.
I am so shocked to hear of Randy passing. He sounded so much younger. He will definitely missed. He is blessed to be in the presence of our Lord now. May God’s peace and comfort be with his family.
Hearing that Randy went to be with the Lord left me utterly speechless and tear-filled eyes as I made my usually drive into work , The Lord truly has a servant in Randy and He blessed us with Randy’s radio voice and ministry on Family Radio, He was a friend and brother in the Lord that I will enjoy talking with when the Lord calls me Home, May the Lord`s Grace be upon Monica and Randy’s children and Grandchildren and co -workers in the coming days and months, I will truly miss Him , Tom
This news is so bitter sweet. He was such a beautiful soul. I will miss hearing his caring voice.
I pray Jesus keeps Randy’s Family in the calm of his hand. Blessings. Come Lord Jesus. ✝️🙏🏻
Thanking the good Lord above for giving Randy such a powerful portion of His Spirit as he was used to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST by way of radio! I’d be selfish to question, to wonder or even to think why now O’ Lord? But You are a Sovereign GOD! Therefore, Heavenly Father, it is with great thanksgiving to You for gracing this Station and the world with one of Your best Radio Host who made a difference! Your plans for choosing Randy was absolute treasure. Daily, You filled his cup to the overflowing of Your love as he brought good news and encouraging words of hope to even me as I listened, learned and prayed along with him by way of Family Radio🙏 The Heaven’s are rejoicing ya’ll as Randy is peacefully in the Presence of his beautiful SAVIOUR! WOW (not enough words)!…
To Randy’s family: your husband, father, grandfather and family member has been one who brought joy to the listening ears of this radio station in powerful messages and with such grace from his heart! God be pleased to watch over each of you in such a time as this 😔and keep you safe! My heartfelt prayers are yours until we all meet on the Streets of Glory where there’s unending PRAISE to our GOD! Let the love of JESUS rule in your hearts!
Remain blessed!
I’m so sad to hear about the passing of brother Randy. My heart goes out to the family. Since I usually am at work in the afternoon, I did not often have the opportunity to listen to his program but when I did, I enjoyed his stories. I also enjoyed listening to him during the spring and fall fund-raisers. He will truly be missed. I pray that the God of all comfort will comfort his family during this time of grief & sorrow. I agree in prayer with Tom Evans’ closing statement…Come, Lord Jesus & to God be the glory. Amen.
Sorry and sad to hear of Randy’s passing yet rejoicing he is with Jesus. Praying for peace and comfort for his wife, kids and grandkids. Praying for family radio staff and his closest friends. May the Comforter sustain! Will definitely miss that kind, gentle, joyous voice who pointed us to our good gentle Shepherd. May we trust God even in our sorrow.
How wonderful Randy, that you were found faithful, busy doing His work so that others might know the truth of Jesus and his love in a world that seems to be getting darker each day. May this unexpected departure remind us all to stay focused on the prize, eternity with our Saviour. Father, heal all of those left behind who’s hearts are now broken.
Randy Zachary, was such an encouragement on the radio, to all us listeners! Making us feel welcomed and loved like brothers & sisters in Christ, even at our local church! What a great blessing his ministry was on this radio station. I don’t think I have been listening to family Radio for much more rhan a year, now, but this brother really shared the love of Christ, to all listening ( Prob. on the order of John the beloved).
May God bless and comfort his wife & family through this sad and difficult time.
To God be the glory, always!
1 John 4:7, 8.
I knew that Randy had been in the hospital but didn’t realize how ill he must have been. Just knowing how he carried on his mission in what I now realize were his last days, gives me encouragement to carry on in the challenges in my own life – so that God may be glorified. What an excellent example of perseverance for the race God has set before each of us. My prayers are for Monica and the rest of Randy’s biological family, as well as for his radio family. May we together share in the joy of knowing that Randy is finally home with our Lord.
I am So sorry for your loss. I enjoyed listening to Randy and All st Family Radio. May God Bless and bring you and your family comfort.
PRAISE GOD we had a wonderful Christian brother such as Randy. He has touched so many hearts. Though he will be sorly missed Jesus has blessed him and used him to His Glory. Thank you Randy for your faithfulness by GOD’S GRACE . Jesus says, Welcome Home Thou Good And Faithful Servant. We pray for Monica and her family that GOD will comfort them in their time of grief but yet Randy’s celebration of LIFE IN CHRIST FOREVER!! PRAISE GOD
My little one and I are so hurt about the departure of Randy, the Lord may be with his family. The memory of his voice will be with us always.😟😢😭😞
…”the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD”. [JOB1:21 BandC] servant of the Most High God!
How wonderful that we can know Randy is in the presence of our Lord Jesus enjoying the rewards of the Lord’s Salvation.
To his family here, I feel your pain in my own heart. It is so hard to say, “till we meet again” to our deceased loved one. I’ll be praying for your family in the days to come.
Randy will be so missed on Family Radio. As a listener I also grow accustomed to our radio hosts and feel like they’re friends.
My heartfelt sympathy.
My deepest condolences to the Family Radio community and the Zachary Family on the passing of Randy Zachary. His presence, fabulous voice and personality will be sorely missed. Randy, thanks for your commitment and contribution to Family Radio. We miss you and will always remember you. Rest In Peace.
Will miss your voice in my afternoons. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
This side of Glory all things must end, but death is the doorway into the eternal and the Lord Himself stands at the door. May we all finish our race as well as Randy and others like him. Even our Lord re-entered glory through this portal and He said we would follow him. But GOOD NEWS this exit from here to eternity opens to us the new and glorious life so far beyond our ability to comprehend here on earth.
I pray for grace and many blessings on Randy’s family. I have experienced the loss of many friends now and just in the recent few years.
I have also experienced many miracles and I can assure everyone here that the Lord is indeed ever present, all knowing and loving beyond our imagination and shall supply ALL OUR NEED according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus our dear Lord and Savior.
I was surprised when i heard the news this morning, it was only Monday i was thinking i did i did not hear him, only to hear now he passed, in the midhts of life there is death, my condolence to the family, may Jehovah comfort your hearts. RIP my brother you have finished your course, you will be missed.
I will surely miss hearing hearing him on the radio. He is with our wonderful savior now
My Heart Bleeds With Monica And Children And Family Radio. I Commisrate With You All. The Holy Spirit With Comfort And Stand By You At This Time Of Great Loss. May You Be Granted Inner Strength To Bear The Loss. Family Radio GM And The Crew, May Such Cease In Your Midst. May God Uphold And Succour You.
Love the Randy Zachary family and Family Radio staff our family will be praying for you all. Long life and good health, we will see him again!!🙏🏽
I will truly miss hearing Randy’s voice as I listen to Family Radio. He was the kind of guy that I wish I could have known better. He was so open and honest about his life and struggles but shared his hope in Christ. I am praying for the Lord to bring comfort to all of his family and friends.
I am saddened to hear about Randy passing. May God Almighty lead him home safely in Jesus name amen and amen 🙏🙏🙏 And to Randy’s family, I know that there are no words that can ease your pain but know that we, the body of Christ of Family Radio will always be faithful and here for you no matter what 🙏🙏 Randy May your soul rest in perfect peace amen and amen 🙏
I could hear the joy in The Lord in the voice of Randy Zachary every day. I can only imagine the joy he must be felling now! I, too, lost my best friend, my once in a lifetime soul mate of 39 years on 5.15.21. My Savior has given me the attitude of gratitude for the 39 years I had with Michael, instead of focusing on the emptiness and pain. I hope that is what The Savior is doing for Randy’s family.
I am sadden to hear that randy has passed, God has given and God has taken,You will be missed,
Until me meet again may the Lord be upon Monica and her beautiful children , Keep them safe in the arms of Jesus ✝️ ❣️
I was shocked! Seemed I was just listening to him, unless it was a pre-recorded. I looked forward to the weekend Hymn Sings where he welcomed everyone to join in. It felt like a family gathering and I got to feeling I knew him personally. It feels strange not to hear his voice but Jesus is hearing it up close and personal. As I sent my note to the station, it was telling the news and followed it with “I Can Only Imagine”. I typed in: Randy doesn’t have to imagine anymore…a time all of us are eagerly awaiting.!
We loved Randy.. His sharing about his life was a blessing to many others who didn’t have a wonderful childhood. He will be sorely missed.
Praying for Zachary Family during this time of grief. . . . though we do not grieve as the world grieves (I Thess 4:13-14), there is still a sadness that I’m sure even God understands. So sorry for Randy’s Family’s loss as well as that of Family Radio’s.
May God bless Randy’s family in their time of loss. Randy was a great radio host and encouragement in the Lord.
Praying for his family. Will miss his caring, compassionate voice. He had a way of telling a story like no other. Such a blessing to so many.
We are sad, but he is in the presence of the Lord! He’s still alive, just a change of address. What a legacy that he left!
So shocked and saddened to hear about Randy Zachary!! I have listened to him on FB and was shocked to hear about his passing this morning. I heard him just a few days ago. My deepest condolences to his wife Monica and their children and grandchildren! Our thoughts and prayers are with them and to Family Radio. It was beautiful to know that he talked about wanting to meet his Lord and Savior one day. I have heard his testimony about how God helped him find peace in spite of the difficult life he had growing up Loved the stories he shared and the conversations with his grandchildren and his wife. So sorry for your loss 🙏❤️
We loved Randy, felt like an old friend! He encouraged so many people! What a joyous faithful man of God! Will miss him so!
I am so sorry for your loss!!! Praying for you Monica and your precious family. Randy was so entertaining on the radio. One moment he could have you laughing and then crying the next. He loved our Lord dearly and you could hear and feel that coming thru the radio. He also loved his family. I will miss him so much but I know that we will see him again and he will make us laugh and cry all in the same minute!! Praying for God to wrap you all tightly in his arms and you walk this path. I know God will be with you all the way Monica.
So saddened for our loss of Dearest brother A real man of GOD RI P
Praying for Monica and her family. I thought I heard him on Monday talking about being in the hospital recently., so the email yesterday was quite surprising. May God comfort you all.
I will miss Randy deeply. He was such a inspiration. Listened to him daily. Now face to face with the Savior and all those who have gone before. Deepest prayers for his family and love ones. Until you all meet again strength for today and bright hope for that glorious reunion tomorrow
Randy……That wonderful voice with his wonderful stories has gone Home. They will be so so missed. My heart goes out to his wife, kids and grandkids. My own Randy, my big brother, left us just as suddenly 12 yrs ago with no warning. He was “saved to the bone” when Jesus entered his life. Here one moment and in the Arms of Jesus the next. Someday Family’s Randy will meet my brother Randy. They will share all their stories. May The Lord bless all of you.
I am so sad by this news.
I always listen to FR at home and in my car.
He was always encouraging, I will miss his pleasant voice. I have been inspired so much.
Thank you FR for this time to honor Randy.
I still remember his testimony, which was blessings.
I too will miss Randy. He taught me about forgiveness and devotion to Jesus. Monica my heart is broken for you; I am praying for you.
I am so sorry for the loss of Randy, the cheerful voice of the Family Radio team. My prayers go out to Monica and the family. He started me on my journey back to Christ and now he is standing with him.
Thank you, FR, for all that your team do for all of us on our walk with Christ.
This is shocking. How could it be that he is gone.😧
May God in His infinite mercy uphold Monica, the children, grandkids and radio family staff.
My heartfelt condolences to the Zachery family, the Family Rafio family and all whose lives have been touched by Randy’s voice, his special gift from God.
Randy will.be greatly missed. My condolences to.Monica and family.
I was shocked to hear of our dear Randy’s passing on.. . I always love to hear his energetic and reassuring voice. My prayers 🙏 go out to his entire family and that of Family Radio. He was a blessing to all listeners and a priceless asset to Fsmily Radio .May His soul 🙏 rest in peace in the Lord’s arm 🙏
I will miss hearing his voice on the radio. My condolences to his wife and children.
Randy was such a “light” in this dark world. I listened to him everyday on my way home from work. The stories he told were always told from his heart. I loved hearing about his wife, children and grandchildren. My deepest condolences go out to his family and friends and his listening audience as we too feel this great loss!! May God bring comfort and peace to all. Rest in peace Randy! Well done hood and faithful servant! ❤️
I so loved Randy’s stories, but especially when he shared about his childhood and the painful challenges about life with his father. You could tell that Randy’s relationship with Jesus allowed him to be forgiving towards his father. The pain of his childhood did not make him hard; his love of the Lord softened any hardness that could have resulted from his youth. You could hear it in the way he spoke about his own family and the love he had for them all, especially the grandkids! Rest now in the peace of Christ, good and faithful servant. Rejoice in the presence of God and enjoy your eternal reward!
My deepest condolences to Monica, their children and grandchildren, and to all the team at Family Radio. We have lost a treasured part of our lives but celebrate his promotion!
I am deeply sadden over the loss of Randy, I’ve read all of the posts in this comment section and I hold every ones comment in my heart as my own. I couldn’t add any more. I will miss him. Thank you Lord for the precious gift of Randy, you gave us the best.
I just heard the news and am saddened to know that his voice will no longer be heard on the radio but so happy to know that he is present with the Lord.
I am so heart sorry to hear that we the listeners have lost such a wonderful man of God.
But praise the Lord Jesus he gets to be with Jesus now.
Deepest condolences to all of his family, I’m sure they will miss him dearly.
We will too.
I just love hearing his calm and kind voice every day.
We will see him again when we make it there.
Praise the Lord God for His wonderful promise of eternal life.
Randy’s disarming “Hi, I’m Randy” always placed you in a place of peace. Now, our Lord said to him, “Hi, I’m Jesus”..
I’m sorry to hear this news. My deepest sympathies for family and friends. I was not familiar with what Randy looked like and which one he is in the picture above. Perhaps and notation below would be good.
Thank you Randy Zachary I miss you so much I’m crying as i write. We dont appreciate people until their gone. I’m so depressed.. I like to know his testimony for my marriage and childhood with my dad. I need help. God is good
I know how Monica and her family feel. I lost my husband on December 28, 2022 unexpectedly too. We will be reunited some day but for now we press on with the Lord’s strength and grace … My prayers and sympathy to are the family.
Perhaps the first voice I was to learn of your radio family’s team was that of Randy Zachary. His broadcasts to south Florida arrived in the mid-afternoon when there is a natural drag to the day: students are walking home and the cars of the work force drive in queues. His voice seemed to be saying: It’s that time of day; Buck up; Cheer up; Join His flock and offer a prayer.
Randy’s was a very young voice and to learn of his passing was about the last bit of unwanted news I expected to hear on 2 February.
He was one of the bright ‘stars’ in Mr. Evan’s fine gathering of truly Christian personalities in a hard, harsh and troubling world.
One of the songs played on FR which attaches easily to the name of Randy Zachary is ‘Just as I am’.
Just a suggestion, and I know that it may not be possible to act on such a suggestion, but it would be very nice if one of the hours of the Friday and Saturday ‘Hymn Sings’ could be dedicated to his memory.
Sincere condolences to FR and the Zachary family.
My heart. hurts for the family’s loss. Randy has received his reward. Thanks be to God. His voice, his stories & his gentle Encourage Mints will be sadly missed. We will hold all those who treasured Randy, especially the Family Radio Family, in our prayers. A lovely gift offering to Family Radio would be a beautiful tribute to honor Randy & all of his godly work. Love in Christ. k
My heart skipped a beat and an involuntary gasp invaded my lungs to read of Randy’s passing. But my mind was not surprised. I’ve heard in his voice for weeks now labored breaths between words. I prayed for healing and marveled that he kept on ministering cheerfully when it was obvious speaking took great effort. He is now free! Praying God’s comforting presence be felt more deeply during this difficult time of grieving for Monica and family. So many are with you!
To the Zachary family ,just wanted to say condolences to the family. I have enjoyed hearing him over the radio. He was blessed with a great spiritual voice . So sorry to hear about his passing. He is God’s angel on Mother Earth. Thank you for all the wonderful time with him over the radio. Blessing to the family.
Rest in peace Randy! Your voice is such a beacon of encouragement to my day. Thank you for faithfully walking with the Lord and sharing scripture to remind us of how much we have in Jesus. May God provide pure rest and comfort for your spirit.
I will miss him very much A great voice lost
He sounded so youthful. I never heard such an encouraging radio voice and speaker. I wish he had been on FR in the 90s and early 2000s.
You could hear his kindness and gentle spirit in every broadcast, some of his stories brought me to tears in a beautiful way for my ride home. He is with his father in heaven celebrating a job well done. His family is in my prayers. God bless.
It’s so sad to hear of Randy’s passing! I listen to Family Radio every day except sunday. It still feels surreal but I pray that the Holy Spirit the eternal companion would comfort Monica and the whole family and friends in Jesus name
Dear Randy! You would make my heart sing listening to your stories. I will pray each day for your family and friends to be comforted by the truth they will see you again.
Thank you so much for the daily difference you made in my life.
Yes, we know Randy’s with King JESUS, our Lord & Savior. He’s happier, healthier & of course, much younger, probably in his 20’s or 30’s, as I know God will grant him his desire for all eternity. And some day, we’ll be re-united with him as one big happy family. Randy was blessed with a beautiful, unique voice that always got my attention when I turned on Family Radio. Yes, we
miss him but some day, we’ll meet him again in each other’s mansions, or the streets of gold as we share such great memories from earth. Amen! HEAVEN IS OUR FUTURE! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! AMEN! HALLELUJAH! AMEN!
It is our prayer that God will comfort you and your whole family during this time of grief. May he richly bless you even as you mourn, and may the light of His presence be a continual source of consolation.
From Australia.
Was a good inspiration to listen to God bless him he fought the good fight on to glory
I so enjoyed hearing Randy talk about his grandchildren and singing with them. I enjoyed hearing his tender voice when he spoke of Monica. I pray for Monica and their family and all of you at Family Radio as you all are a BIG Family.
Father God, we praise you and glorify you as you are maker of all things! We thank you for the gift of life especially for Randyl’s. Father he was busy about your work daily on The Family Radio Station.
Lord, Monica and their family is going to miss Randy’s presence, so Lord I pray the Holy Spirit will be active within all who knew this child of yours. Father, allow your every loving presence to active within each of them.
We thank you for creating Randy and receiving him back home.
Jesus, please bless Monica, the family, and the Family Radio Station (workers & listeners) with your comfort and peace.
It is in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN
Death of a loved one will always be painful. Even though we know to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord….and we weep. Jesus also wept over a loved one. It a great paradox of our faith that amidst great sorrow, we also experience great joy! May the peace of God fill the hearts of Randy’s family. He will be missed.
Mr Zachary has now joined the great cloud of witnesses! I pray the peace and comfort of the Lord surround the Zachary family in Jesus name, amen
I am still in shocked at the passing of brother Randy’s passing..Our prayers 🙏 go out to his family and friends
Live laugh love always for no one knows when
I have mixed emotions at the news of Randy’s passing. Saddened at the thought of no longer hearing his kind compassionate voice on the radio. Rejoicing at the thought he is now able to look apon the face of his savior. I think it was his deep love for our Lord Jesus that made his voice seem much younger. On the outside he was a senior but on the inside he was on of our Lord’s little children. Precious Lord even now let Monica and all his family including his family radio family feel your tender touch of comfort apon there hearts. We praise our Lord for the precious time we had with him. To our Lord be all the glory.
God bless your family. Praying for comfort for you all. It was a blessing to hear your husband on the radio Monica as he told stories of your family, it almost felt like he was family for me also. Thank you for sharing him with us
I’m very sorry to hear of his passing. You serving on earth has made an impact
to many. I listen to your radio station everyday. All these years of you and others speaking has been an inspiration and uplifting. I’m always on the road commuting listening to the songs, words, the scriptures and sermons which have been soothing to my soul.
Thank you.
I’m going through a difficult time right now and Randy’s cheerful voice would always lift my spirits, especially as I was driving to visit my husband in the memory care home. I loved hearing his stories, and I appreciated his joyful spirit so much more as he shared his own struggles in his personal life. He truly seemed to “Rejoice in the Lord Always.” I miss him, and thank God for him.
P.S. He sounded so much younger than his age!
This week on family radio, very nice reminiscent spots by our awsome heavanly host Randy Z were re-broadcasted.
It would be great to sometimes hear his friendly voice in the form a daily afternoon segment.
A name could even be given for those segments.
Possibly, “Rand-itions”, or another fitting title.
Missing him.
Wiith my sympathy
Troy in Long Beach
I too am saddened by the passing of Randy Zachary. I often listen to his uplifting and inspiring messages and will certainly miss them especially when I finish work from a long night and is driving home in the mornings. To his wife and children, please know that this side of Paradise will miss his wonderful personality however, heaven will be richer for having him join the happy band of pilgrims already residing there. The light of Christ was always reflected in his life and messages. May his legacy live on in you his dear wife his children. May God continue to direct all your paths. Blessings always.
I was searching for a Christian Radio station while I was in NY I with my husband who had major surgery on his back in 2017. Since I returned home to St Kitts I continue to listen to FR and grew accustomed to Randy Zackary’s cheery voice. I really miss his voice and extend heartfelt sympathy to his entire family.
My deepest condolences and prayers of comfort to Monica and her dear family on the passing of Brother Randy. I just listened to one of his Encouragement – Mint spots and am so thankful that he continues to have a wonderful impact for the Kingdom. His heartfelt prayers and cheerful, gentle voice are a joy to hear. May God bless Monica and the Family Radio family.
Knowing of the divinely orchestrated & bkessed statewide & global outreach from the hearts of those of the Family Radio family, with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the blessed Word of God, Christ exalting music, & biblically founded preaching, Randy’s words of inspiration, comfort, edification, wholesome humor, & love via radio & app were as though he were actually sitting across from you conversing!
It’s like I wanted to answer him in some fashion. Glory be to our great God for his life & precious supportive family. I recalled emailing him, to remain faithful & strong, upholding & being watchful regarding the serious & sobering tenor of the Word preached & taught on the programs. How I longed to visit & meet the staff prior to Christ’s calling him to be with His Maker & Saviour. But we shall some day ” meet at His blessed feet”. You & your family are so loved by countless listeners. We thankful God for Family Radio & his portion in it!
Please know that I am a new subscriber to Family Radio, and needed comfort to hear and pray with people of faith and hope in our Lord. I just listen to Randy Zachary’s story narrating The Lightbulb and found it so inspiring, a positive experience and well thought analogy. His voice brought me so much joy and love of God! Randy, sorry I did not hear you when you were with us, but your voice lives on in Family Radio. God Bless Everyone!
Randy, was sent from God to do some of his work here on earth. Now that he has completed that journey, he has been called to another assignment. He will be missed by all. Condolences to his entire Zachary family. We were happy that they were able to share him with us on Family Radio. A great afternoon voice to round out the day in the metro New York area.
I share in the mix of sorrow, surprise and joy at knowing Randy is in the presence of the Lord. I first met Randy when he was a DJ at KYLO and also my youth pastor. That was the mid 80s (I think!) In Sacramento. I was delighted to realize I could still hear him on Family Radio (which I’ve been savoring since the early 70s). Thank you Randy and Family Radio for your faithfulness in sharing the Lord. “Shining til we meet again”!
There exists a massive hole in the afternoon broadcast, Randy we will miss you dearly but look forward to the day when we will hear your voice again in the “Sweet Beulah Land”.
The thing that stood out with me whenever I hear Randy’s voice on Family Radio is that distinct youthful sound that seems to me that young voice I’m hearing belongs to a man aged 30’s or 40’s , so I was surprised to find out he is already a grandpa : his granddaughter calling him Opa ! I guess when you are in the Lord you are always young because death no longer has a hold on you ( 1 Corinthians 15:55-58 KJV ). We will surely miss that youthful voice of Randy Zachary….see you later Brother in Christ ! Maranatha!
So sad to hear of Randy’s death. Glad He is with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I also thought he was much younger and was unaware of any health issues.
Prayers for his wife and family
To every passing of the Lord’s saints, the conclusion of the matter is: Amen! and Amen!
For His promised security in His bosom is the unfailing Hope and certainty for eternal life.
Until we meet again eternally.