
Have you seen these billboards?

Jul 18, 2023
Billboard says "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy Laden. I will Give You Rest." -Jesus Christ

Every day, thousands of travelers like you are driving by these billboards—and they all have something in common. They have burdens just like you do. Like we all do.

Not everyone’s burden is the same.  

  • A husband working late, trying to figure out how to pay the mortgage.  
  • A teenager, hoping he can make it to class on time without running out of gas.  
  • A single mom, wondering how she’s going to cope with the rising costs of childcare.  
  • A grandmother, praying for her children and grandbabies, asking God if she can see them saved before she goes home to heaven.  

The burdens of life are too heavy to carry by yourself. Why? Because the story of life wasn’t supposed to be this way. You weren’t designed for a life filled with hardships. You were designed to worship and fellowship with God! But sin entered the scene and brought burden and hardship with it.

Here’s the good news: Jesus wants to trade your burdens for rest.  

Jesus said,  

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30 

This is a message the world needs to hear. Jesus is the Way. Jesus is the Truth. Jesus is the Life. (John 14:6) He is the only way to find God and find true rest.

People across the country are praying for you and everyone that sees these billboards.

Jesus is calling. Come to Him and find forgiveness and find true rest!

If you’d like to find out more about Jesus Christ and what He did for you this is a great start!

35 responses to “Have you seen these billboards?

  1. For several weeks, I have considered creating lawn signs with the exact verse and donating them to churches! As I searched on my phone to hear Walk wiith the King, I saw the FR billboards! I take that as a confirmation!

  2. Thank you so much for doing this. I have wanted to put scriptures on billboards for years but my idea never made it to reality.
    Praise God!

  3. I loved this idea, thanks for doing it! Let´s keep praying for those who are in difficult situation. Let´s pray for Family Radio.

  4. Awesome…such a Blessing. !
    Thanks for sending it to me…
    I am battling cancer and pain in my legs..
    Bit I know that My God Is Able To Do Exceedingly ,Abundanrly Above All I can Ask or think !

    Blessings to your Ministry !

  5. Hi
    I just saw your billboard yesterday at Times Square New York. I was so blessed to see these wonderful scriptures shown in a very appealing way. I took lots of pictures and posted it and many friends from back home (Switzerland ) were commenting. So different from the usual tourist photos!!

    1. Hi Martina! That’s wonderful! Did you post them on social media? We’d love to see if them if you want to tag our social accounts on your posts!

  6. Love to See These Billboards. It is not good for me to play the radio in the car – too MANY distractions!!! Great Messages!

  7. I have not seen this billboard in our area but wish it was in our area! More people need to know about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and experience Family’s Radios contributions to serve His purpose. This station offers so much peace and encouragement so desperately needed during these trying times.

  8. Absolutely what this world needs a renewing of why we are here. We are blessed but most take this awesome gift for granted. Remember he is a jealous God and he is still in control.

  9. I’m near Batavia in Aurora , IL and haven’t seen either… our main tollway is I-88 (the Reagan) … tollway in between my town and Batavia and one of busiest and most popular in Chicagoland – also tollway to NIU

  10. I just saw this today 8-22-23 and yes people need this message, people are hurting they need a reminder…… GOD has his arms open come to ME!!!

  11. Over the air at about 10 PM this evening (Aug 25) a gentleman gave a series of six Bible verses that very succinctly encompass the entire Gospel —perfect for evangelizing! I caught all but one: #1 Romans 6:23
    #2 Romans (this is the one I missed)
    #3 Hebrews 9:27
    #4 Romans 5:8
    #5 Ephesians 2:8-9
    #6 John 1:12
    I would so love to recover that missing verse! Can you help me, please? Thank you so much for any help at all!

    1. Hi Kathy!!
      I heard that same presentation. So good. I am quite sure that the one you are missing is Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But he might have said that one first! Then 6:23. Not sure. Email me if you think that was it.
      Blessings to you!
      Christa Scott

  12. I haven’t seen these billboards, but where I live in Oakland, California there are many Christian billboards throughout the city! I’m so grateful for the billboards which cause viewers to think about God!

  13. Haven’t seen the billboards in CT but a great idea! Give FR listeners & fans the opportunity to help spread the good news found at Family Radio by selling bumper stickers online or even giving them free for any online donation over a certain amount. I’d love one for my minivan! 🙂

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