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In partnership with Renewing Your Mind and Ligonier Ministries, we would love to offer you The Heart of the Reformation: A 90-Day Devotional on the Five Solas eBook or PDF, available for free download.
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I would like to receive the download of The Heart of the Reformation. Thank you!
Hi Linda, to get the download, you’ll just fill out the form and submit it. Once you do, you’ll be taken to the page to download and get a confirmation with the link in your email. Thanks so much!
It’s a joy to have Family Radio in my life! God bless!
Thanks so much.
I listen to you to find true peace when o lives in a mad house.
I listen to you to find true peace
Just trying to get the joy devotional but seems like I keep having to fill out my info with no resolution…
Helps me stay grounded and get through difficult struggles in life
What does it mean when they’re asking for the website?
Thanks -Pray for my daughter Melinda for joy and peace- she is stressed! I just had a stroke in May and Iam rt side effected -pray for healing!
Bless you!
After the 90 days us there a charge to continue
Hi Nancy, once you download it, it is yours to use and keep as long as you have the file! Hope you enjoy it.
God is so good!!! He knows and cares for us deeply
Many of the hymns I’ve heard about but my heart rejoiced the first time I heard “in Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand” 🙏🥰🥰
I just can’t thank God enough for this station, I pray that God always provides financial help for this radio station. Hearing the biblical sermons that hold us accountable and are so edifying and encouraging.
The day the Lord sent me to the billboard that advertised Family Radio, I literally cried and rejoiced.
Thank you again!!
That is one of my favorite songs. I have loved that song since my childhood in Sunday school and in Church where we sang hymnals. God’s Word truly penetrated my heart then and always has since! And I still cry and rejoice often at the very swords of Truth as they still speak to my spirit. I’m so glad you saw the billboard that day, and that God directed you with His eye….Psalm 32:8. It is also my prayer for the LORD to provide finances always for Family Radio to continue the work and win souls through God’s Word! I’m very encouraged by this post. Thank you. 😊
May God bless you and continue to bless and strengthen you through Family Radio’s ministries!
-In Christ, Akarie Zoey
Thanks to my parents, Laurie and Horace, I’ve been blessed with the broadcast from WFME since the 1960’s. God is great and his mercies shall endure forever. Amen.
We would love to get more free booklets from you very soon.
Thank you for your beautiful Christ centered radio station since I found it I listen to nothing else not only does it bring me closer to Christ it calms me down in a world full of chaos
Wonderful messages of our Savior. Thank you!
Anything from Ligonier is encouraging, helpful and instructive.. I look forward to receiving this devotional.
To listen to you often is like connecting me with Jesus and His Glory!
Listening to FR throughout my day gives me the calmness and assurance my spirit seeks! I often praise our Almighty for the blessing of having FR in our mists. Thank You so much!
!!You are the Best!! The Father, Jesus, and Holy
Spirit are Always moving in and through you. Thank you for your work! Prayers…May God’s glory continue to fill your temples as He restores, renews, and replenishes us through this beautiful Family Radio station. Where You are Lord, Your Life flows. Be glorified!!
I don’t have a TV subscription like Netflix… Because I worried about what my 14 years old son may be exposed to. But with family radio, I pray that he will be exposed to the word of God, that the Holy Spirit may get his attention upon the hearing of any of the wonderful, truthful teachings and that he will be drowned to the Lord forever. Family Radio is our God giving assurance to our family it is on all day even when we live the house as our watchman through the Lord Jesus so the words can take over any others spirits that may be or enter our home.