What a Wonderful Mercy

Jun 03, 2016
James Bourne (From: Free Grace Salvation)

What a wonderful mercy it is to an enlightened sinner to hear what the Apostle says, “by grace ye are saved. (Ephesians 2.5)”
Men under the conviction of sin and the discovery of God’s justice and holiness often feel themselves utterly hopeless, and whatever men may say to them about amending their lives, it leaves them in more despair than before, being made to feel with all their amendment they cannot mend that which is past.
What is still more wonderful, if these convictions be of God, they will cut deeper yet, by showing the sinner he was not only a transgressor from the womb, but born in sin, and shapen in iniquity.(Isa. 48:8; Ps. 51:5) This puts the sinner beyond any help in himself. Some try to get over this mire by telling the people that infant baptism is regeneration, for not knowing the hidden secret [and] wisdom of God, they stretch their own wisdom into the utmost confusion by preaching baptism is regeneration, and yet teach children to say that baptism is only the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. We believe God has appointed this
sign to show us the need of spiritual baptism, which Titus calls “the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.” (Titus3:5)
When the convicted sinner has ears to hear this joyful sound, and a heart to understand it, then he finds his despair gives way to hope. And though he finds his heart abounds in accusations of all sorts, yet these tidings of mercy and pardon to the returning sinner encourages him to hope. He is revived to perceive that Jesus Christ came to save sinners, and that salvation is of free grace.

Additional Reading