Wait on the Lord, WATCHING

May 24, 2016

Watch the hand of God as it works in nature and providence; but remember that it is moved by the heart of God, which is correctly represented in his word. You may mistake the meaning of his works much easier than you can the meaning of his word; and therefore let his word dwell in you richly, ruling your judgment, and controlling your thoughts. Watch the working of the Holy Spirit in your heart, and mark the desires he awakens, the graces he quickens, the checks he gives, and the consolation he imparts. Wait on the Lord to carry on his work within you, and watch, expecting him to do it. Wait on the Lord, expecting him to work for you; and watch his hand, expecting him to answer your prayers. Let your conduct be an illustration of that word– “I wait for the Lord– my soul does wait, and in his word do I hope. My soul waits for the Lord, more than those who watch for the morning– I say, more than those who watch for the morning.”

Additional Reading