The journey which our Divine Lover took

Dec 28, 2017
Thomas Guthrie

The story of Christ’s redeeming love surpasses anything related in the pages of the wildest romances. These tell of a prince, who, enamored with a humble maiden, assumed a disguise. Doffing his crown and royal state for the dress of common life, he left his palace, traveled far, faced danger, and fared hard — to win the heart of a peasant’s daughter, and raise her from obscurity to the position of a queen!

Facts are more wonderful than fables. The journey which our Divine Lover took was from Heaven to earth. To win His bride, He exchanged the bosom of the eternal Father — to lie, a feeble infant, on a woman’s bosom. The Son of God left the throne of the universe, and assumed the guise of humanity — to be cradled in a feeding trough and murdered on a cross!

In His people, He found His bride deep in debt — and paid it all. Herself under sentence of death — He died in her place. A lost creature, clad in rags — He took off His own royal robes to cover her. To wash her — He shed His blood! To win her — He shed His tears! Finding her poor and miserable and naked, He endowed her with all His goods — and heir of all things. Everything that He possessed as His Father’s Son — she was to forever enjoy and share with Himself!

“May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully!” Ephesians 3:19

Additional Reading