Our need to be constantly changing is undeniable. But what must we do to change? First, we must be willing to change and be used for the glory of God. Yet we must take this one step further. To quietly sit and think about our need to change or even to be willing to change or to purpose to change is not enough. We must be willing to be renewed to the point of action. While it may be difficult to change at times, change can come to pass with God’s enablement (Phil. 2:13; 4:13). Second, not only must we be willing to change to the point of action, but we must “put off,” or unclothe ourselves of, the “old man,” that is, our old habits and actions to which we are naturally accustomed (Eph. 4:22 cf. Col. 3:5-9). These include lying, wrathful anger, stealing, corrupt communication, bitterness, malice, evil speaking, fornication, covetousness, blasphemy or anything else contrary to the will of God. Third, we must then “put on” the “new man,” that is, we must clothe ourselves with new thinking, habits, and actions (Eph. 4:24 cf. Col. 3:10-17). Examples of that which we are to “put on” include righteousness, truth, holiness, forgiveness, kindness, meekness, patience, love, peace, thankfulness or anything else that finds itself in accordance with God’s will. Finally, in order to be continually changing we must possess renewed thinking (Eph. 4:23 cf. Col. 3:10). This is so vitally important, for the way in which we “put off” and “put on” is accomplished only through renewed thinking which leads to renewed habits and actions. Romans 12:2 reminds us that we can only be changed, or transformed, by this “renewing” of our mind.