“When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice” (Psalm 63:6-7).
The 63rd Psalm was written by David when he was out in the wilderness at night and in grave danger from “those that seek my soul, to destroy it,” yet he could confidently affirm that “the king shall rejoice in God” (Psalm 63:9,11), for God had always been his help.
And is that not just as true today, for those who trust in God? New Year’s Eve may be, for many at least, a time of merry-making and fun. But when the parties are over and we realize that the old year has really gone and we fall into our beds, would that not be an especially fitting time to “meditate on thee in the night watches?” Whatever may have been the difficulties encountered in the year that has just passed, for the believing Christian God has always been there to help, and the blessings of the year must also be taken into account. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:2).
Just to “meditate on thee,” the wonderful plan of God for His redeemed in the ages to come, will turn distress into confidence and sorrow into rejoicing. “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee” (Psalm 139:17-18).
In another of his incomparable psalms, David could sing out joyfully: “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness” (Psalm 65:11). Can that not also be our testimony as this year ends? The same coronation word was also used by David in the matchless 103rd Psalm. God, the psalmist sang, “redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies” (Psalm 103:4). So, “bless the Lord, O my soul” (Psalm 103:22).