“No longer do I call you servants; but I have called you friends!” John 15:15
For myself, after all my years of teaching and helping others, and all my experiences as a Christian, my whole creed is summed up into one little sentence, “Christ and I are friends!” No friend in all the world is so near to me as He is. I trust Him, I love Him. I take everything to Him, I lay every burden upon Him. I go to Him for wisdom, for help, for the love I need in my own heart. He is everything to me as Friend.
Christ is my personal Friend. He is my dearest, truest, strongest and best Friend!
Then for myself, my whole duty is summed up in being a friend of Christ’s. He says, “You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you.” This includes all Scripture commands.
In telling you this, I want to help you to understand that the essential thing in the Christian life is knowing Christ, trusting Him, loving Him, following Him, having Christ for your Friend — and being His friend.
The secret of a beautiful life is living in unbroken fellowship with Christ, under the influence of His presence, and the inspiration of His love and grace.