God Has a Plan!


4 Powerful Ways You Can Experience
God’s Peace in Your Life
… Even in a Time of Fear, Economic Chaos, and Unrest


Dear Friend,

You are on my heart today.


Because you’ve been in a challenging season … maybe one of the hardest seasons you’ve ever gone through.

You’ve faced overwhelming fear of the unknown … about the health of your loved ones, about our economic climate, about your retirement, and about the futures of your children and grandchildren.

I want you to know, you’re not alone in this.

God is on your side. He has a plan for you and your family.

Through the chaos, the confusing and conflicting advice, the stock market volatility, the bad news … He has good things ahead for you.

Be encouraged – God’s Word holds true. Even in chaos.

1 Corinthians 2:9 says, But as it is written: “Eye has not seen,
nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Do you see?

God has a great plan for you, and a life where you should be experiencing peace, love, joy, and hope – despite the circumstances.

That’s why we created the Family Radio app, to help you connect to the God of peace. I’d like to share with you 4 powerful ways you can be reminded of God’s promises, grow in your faith, and experience the hope of Christ no matter the circumstances.


#1: Stay Rooted In Truth

Experience God's peace anywhere, anytime with our free, easy-to-use app.
Now, more than ever, you need to be filling yourself with the Truth based up on the Word of God.

You need to know what the Bible says about life’s greatest questions … about fear … about loneliness … about sickness … about pain.

There is a danger in punching in your questions to Google … or searching YouTube for teachers and messages when you’re not quite sure what or who is going to show up in your search results.

Now, more than ever, you need solid, Biblically-sound worship music, teaching and resources to stay rooted in God’s truth.

That’s why I want you to try the Family Radio app – a single hub of powerful, Scripturally-based worship, teaching and resources that you can access on your cell phone or computer. And it’s free, no obligation.

It’s easy to get.

It’s easy to use.

And it’s completely free.

That means that anytime, anywhere, you can hear the truth from God’s Word in teaching and song. You’ll also learn from solid, top Biblically sound teachers you can trust, like:

  • Alistair Begg
  • R.C. Sproul
  • John Piper
  • And others …

You can also listen to Core Christianity on demand and get biblical answers to life’s biggest questions.

On your Family Radio app, you’ll have instant access to music and teachings that will not only equip you in your faith; they’ll fill you with more hope today.


Click Below to Download the Family Radio App for Free

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#2: Find the peace of God

The Bible doesn’t say that we can have peace only in good circumstances.

Psalm 119:165 says, Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble.

The key to this kind of peace … the peace that surpasses all understanding … is the Word of God, as the psalmist describes above.

Scripture is an anchor for us in troubled times. And it can offer you the kind of peace that you long for right now.

Of course, you might have moments where you can sit down quietly with your Bible, read Scripture, and meditate on His Word.

But what about the rest of the day?

You should be able to receive the Word of God all day long – whether you are in your car, cooking dinner, playing with your kids, or cleaning the house.

Anywhere you are.
Any part of the country – or the world – you’re at.

The Family Radio app will help you gain this kind of peace by making it simple and convenient to access the Bible anytime, anywhere.

Here are a few of the tools you’ll have access to:

  • The entire Bible … so that you can read any passage of Scripture, right from your phone.
  • The entire Bible on audio … so that you can listen to the Bible in your car, on your walks, in the kitchen, when you start your day, or before you go to bed. Anytime, anywhere.
  • A verse of the day … a powerful, inspiring Scripture we send out to app users to encourage and equip.
  • A plan for listening to the entire Bible in a year … helping you to stay on track to become a stronger, more peace-filled believer.


Click Below to Download the Family Radio App for Free

Get it on Google Play Get it on Apple


#3: Give thanks and praise in worship

When life becomes exceptionally difficult, worship can feel challenging. But just like peace, worship doesn’t depend on your circumstances.
In Philippians 4:4, the Apostle Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”

Worship can bring you to a place of joy, gratitude, and hope. Worship can lift your spirit like nothing else. Worship can transform your day, no matter what else is going on.

Now, you can worship God anytime – using the Family Radio app.

Of course, there are plenty of other music apps and live streaming services you can use.

But nowhere else will you find the hymns and worship music you know and love so well … God-honoring music that has stood the test of time, and will always bring you back to His love and inexhaustible grace.

Once again, you’ll get access to this content anywhere, anytime. All you need to do is …


Click Below to Download the Family Radio App for Free

Get it on Google Play Get it on Apple

Once again, this app is completely free, no obligation.

#4: Get equipped and encouraged by the family of God

Your world has been shaken these past few years.

Everything has changed – the way you work; spend, save, and invest your money; educate your kids and grandkids.

You don’t have to figure this out alone.

The family of God is by your side – to help equip and encourage you with practical wisdom and lean into God’s purpose for your life right now.

That’s why we’ve created Community Bridge – an exclusive feature of Family Radio that offers helpful, practical interviews from believers you can trust. These are representatives from community organizations and ministries, speaking on topics like …

  • Being a light in your community … How to live for Christ right where you are in the community God has placed you.
  • Marriage and parenting … Helping you to build a healthier family in every season of life.
  • Finances … How can we save, invest, earn, and give in Godly ways right now?

­­­Once again, you can access this powerful resource right on your smartphone…so that you can be equipped by the people of God – anytime, anywhere. Take heart, friend.

The Bible tells you to stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

In the face of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, stand firm. Fill yourself with God’s Word … worship Him throughout your day … and seek Godly counsel and wisdom.

The Family Radio is here to help you understand God’s Word and live your life for Christ!

You’re invited to join the family.

To God be the Glory,



Tom Evans
President of Family Radio